Chinatown, The Godfather Part II, Blade Runner, E.T., One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Marathon Man, Raiders of the Lost Ark I, II and III, Back to the Future I, II, and III, Total Recall, The Deep, Aliens, Poltergeist, Butch and Sundance, Footloose, Shampoo, Justice for All. These are just a few of the more than 250 motion pictures and television shows that have been cast by Mike Fenton, who has acquired legendary status among his peers. Fenton co-founded the Casting Society of America (CSA), which now has more than 330 members in the United States and Canada. He was recently honored with the Hollywood Film Festival’s Lifetime Achievement Award and continues to cast Hollywood’s leading film and television productions at Fenton-Cowitt Casting.